Saturday, June 5, 2010

Friday in the Garden

Nürnburg to do some shopping. Not to put too fine a point on it but I have needed a new pair of Birkenstock shoes for some time and thought I should buy them in Germany since the shoes are manufactured here. We have looked all over Bavaria to no avail. One would think it would not be too hard to find German shoes in Germany. Alas, I finally hunted down a brown pair and a green pair in my size in Nürmberg. Actually, I suppose Birkenstock are available, we just didn't seem to hit the right stores. There was a BRIGHT RED pair on the sale rack that I thought would be perfect for Pentecost, but Jean noted that I seldom wear shoes in church, so I skipped it.

We returned to Fürth and joined the Bamlers at their garden at the edge of town. I had no idea what to expect and was delighted to find a little garden community complete with cabins, lawns, and planting areas. The city set aside the land for these gardens to help residents experience the outdoors and give them a place to garden. Often referred to as SCHREBER Gardens, residents can apply to a waiting list, and when an owner decides to sell, they may buy the cabin etc. The land is owned by the city, and the garden owners pay a lease per year. Each garden has a small cabin with electricity, water, and sewage, and a generous area that is to be divided into one third each garden, lawn, and cabin. Some of the gardens are quite ornate with fairly elaborate cabins, but most are simple wholesome places for people to enjoy the outdoors. When the owner tires of the garden, or dies, the cabin is then sold to the next person on the list if they are interested in your garden. It is a neat, sustainable model.
Nika and Christoph have a beautiful garden with vegetables, flowers, a playhouse, and a very nice cabin with a simple kitchen and bathroom. We relaxed...

Jean Relaxing

Jeff Relaxing

We also ate a wonderful dinner of bratwurst, chicken, pork, salad just picked from the garden, bread, potatoes, and plum cake. (Also chocolate cake, gummi bears, tea and BEER)

Christoph Cooking Dinner on the Weber Grill

We truly enjoyed sitting on the porch and enjoying the outdoors while eating Nikas EXCELLENT food. I have no poscture of Nika cooking because she never stops moving long enough to snap a photo. Thank you Nika for being such a wonderful a beautiful hostess!!
All the wood you see behind us is an oak tree that fell in a storm. They cut it up and use it in a woodstove at home.

Flowers in the Garden

It seems to me that every community should have some model like this. I was struck by what a gift it would be for apartment dwellers and condo owners to have a chance to garden without having to own a piece of the suburbs. We certainly found the day refreshing. Dänke!
Away home to pack. I leave our family and Bavaria to meet my tour in Berlin in the morning. I hope to be able to keep up the blog, but it will depend on time and internet availability.

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